Sunday, 21 June 2015

Poem in Saturday's Morning Star

Happy to hear that my poem 'Austerity Mantra' was re-published in Saturday's edition of the British left wing daily newspaper The Morning Star which was on sale on Saturday's London and Glasgow anti-austerity demonstrations. 
The poem is from my 2014 collection The Ghost In The Lobby (Salmon Poetry). 

Thursday, 4 June 2015

My review of Máire T. Robinson's novel in today's Galway Advertiser

My review of Máire T. Robinson's novel Skin Paper Stone is in today's Galway Advertiser.

Sixteen years ago today my first ever review - of a book of essays by Kerry poet Gabriel Fitzmaurice - appeared in the same paper. 

Monday, 1 June 2015

To Denis O’Brien On Announcement of His Plan To Donate Own Corpse To Museum of Himself

Maltese based Irish entrepreneur, and friend of Bill and Hillary, Mr Denis O'Brien, has lately been the subject of a lot of entirely unjustified criticism from the usual commie/Provo fascists who most of the time exist only in the darker parts of Eoghan Harris's mind but who lately, all across Ireland, have taken on actual physical form.
Actual physical form
In this hour of his need, it's time for decent men and women of all persuasions and none to step forward and defend Mr O'Brien who, after all, has an Honorary Doctorate from U.C.D. and, as everyone knows, no one with an Honorary Doctorate from U.C.D. could ever be capable of doing evil.

Irish Independent 'journalist' and former O'Brien assistant, Sarah Carey, was thinking of writing an article defending Denis. 
Sarah Carey
But it was generally agreed that that would just be tearing the arse out of it

So, in Ms Carey's absence, I decided yesterday that it was time I stepped up and wrote a tribute poem for Mr O'Brien.

Feel free to re-publish it on blogs, or indeed to go about the place shouting it out of megaphones at effete lyric poets who think all this could be solved by proper ethics legislation.