Sunday, 8 April 2012

Galway launch of Mentioning the War: Essays & Reviews (1999-2011)

Some photos below from the Galway launch of my books of essays and reviews. It's a retrospective covering the past decade or so covering a wide variety of sometimes controversial literary and political subjects.

The book was launched by Darrell Kavanagh at Galway Arts Centre. Darrell also wrote the foreword for the book. You can buy a copy direct from the Salmon website

Des Kavanagh & Tom Lavelle
Me off in the distance listening to Darrell who is just out of shot

Darrell launching the book
Dani Gill, literature officer at Galway Arts Centre

John Walsh, Susan and Jessie Lendennie

Me reading from the book

Jessie Lendennie

Jean Kavanagh of Salmon